As approved by Lumberton city council Monday October 14, here is the exterior illustration of the theater’s new annex, which will include expanded lobby, concessions, special event space, storage and catering kitchen. Now we can more fully live up to the name “Civic Center”!
Additional lobby space provided by the annex will significantly increase comfort and safety for the theater’s many patrons, who will also have an appealing pre- and post-show meeting and gathering space. This will add to the theater’s programming –and overall attendance- by adding special theater activities and a wide variety of special events including class reunions, fundraisers, conferences and meetings.
The theater is now drawing more than 10,000 people each year to its very busy schedule of programming and last year more than half of its mainstage series sold out. For many shows, more than 40 percent of the audience is from outside Robeson County.
Because of this success, we believe that an expanded Civic Center is a very important keystone to the revitalization of downtown Lumberton, along with the plaza and alleyway projects already implemented by city council and staff.
Keep following for more details!